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NRWA: National Résumé Writers Association
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Member Benefits: Overview

Expand Your Knowledge

Webinars: Each month live webinars are offered. You can also access dozens of recordings in the professional development archives. The topics are wide-ranging and cover all aspects of writing better resume and building a resume business.

Resume Writing 101: Beginning in 2023, we are offering our self-directed learning program Resume Writing 101 to all members at no additional cost. Learn the basics for writing strategic resumes and career documents as an added member benefit!

Writing Resources: You will find questions to ask, keywords, and links specific to 30 professions (and always expanding!). These "crib notes" are very helpful when interviewing clients. Also included are Resume ClipBullets™ which are helpful in the writing process. 

Business Resources: Just starting your resume writing business? We provide detailed advice on business startup including operational and marketing aspects to consider, as well as a wide range of sample forms that you can adapt to fit your needs.

The NRWA Watercooler: This monthly electronic newsletter provides articles on résumé writing and business operations issues and keeps you current on industry trends. The newsletter is archived for two years, allowing new members to take advantage of past articles and advice.

Annual Conference: Each year we bring together career industry experts and national speakers who share information on a variety of topics. Grow as a professional, learn the latest trends, gather great business building tips, and network with colleagues at the annual conference.

a woman stands with her colleaguesConnect with Peers

The NRWA Member Forum:  This interactive communication tool facilitates online networking and discussions on résumé writing, technology, client management, marketing, sales, and other aspects of our industry. Network with colleagues, ask for advice, get answers to your tough questions, and share what you know! 

Private Social Media Groups: We have created private group pages in both Facebook and LinkedIn for members who are looking for referrals, willing to share their expertise with other members who need advice on specific résumé-writing projects, and other general networking.

Establish Your Credibility

Certification / NCRW Credential:  The National Résumé Writers' Association Certification Program is designed to provide a recognizable credential for excellent resume writers. Detailed information is available here.

The NRWA Marketing Brochure:  This brochure – in an easily-customizable Word format – was developed to help you sell and educate the public on the importance of a professionally written résumé. The brochure can be posted on your website, mailed to potential clients, or distributed at job fairs. The possibilities are endless. 

Articles You Can Use:  Members of The National Résumé Writers' Association and invited guests have generously agreed to share their knowledge and expertise by authoring career-related articles that members can post for FREE on their website, collateral, or electronic newsletter. Include as many articles as you wish, just make sure to leave the author's byline intact.

Volunteer Opportunities:  As a member-driven association, The NRWA relies on volunteers in many capacities which is a great opportunity for its members to gain visibility in the careers industry and market themselves as contributors to their industry association.

Generate Exposure for You & Your Business!

digital connections in your handListing in Online Directory:  As a member of The National Résumé Writers' Association, your name and contact information will be added to our online database so that potential clients can find you - whether you have a Web site or not. Job seekers can use our state-of-the-art search engine to find a resume writer by location, name, URL, or keyword (résumé specialty). Links are provided to members' e-mail addresses and websites as applicable.

National PR Exposure:  The National Résumé Writers' Association logo, website, and toll-free number are printed on boxes of Southworth résumé paper distributed at retail locations, providing The NRWA members with national marketing exposure and sales leads.
Subcontractor Link:  Linking members who write résumé with members who need writers. Members seeking subcontracting assignments can place their name on a list that is available to other members who use subcontractors. This is a free service!

Logo and Certificate:  Show everyone you are a professional by proudly displaying the The National Résumé Writers’ Association logo on your website and on your business cards. Be sure to read the guidelines for displaying the logo. Once you become a member, you also have the option to receive a printable membership certificate to display on your office wall.

The National Résumé Writers' Association
250 S. Northwest Highway
Suite 315
Park Ridge, IL 60068

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