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NRWA: National Résumé Writers Association
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As a career professional, you are constantly reminding your clients of the importance of continuing education and staying on top of the trends. We know all too well the importance of learning in career success. And, as we get busy helping others, we often don't make time for our own continuing education!

The NRWA strives to provide on-demand, relevant learning opportunities for career professionals including webinars and convenient training. The goal of each of these is to help you maintain your skills, build your credibility, and stay on top of the industry's dynamic trends at your convenience.

Summaries Made Simple

Presented by: Julie Maahs, NCRW, CCSP

April 4, 2025  |  12:30 – 1:45 p.m., ET

Resume summaries with substance by introducing a four-step formula. Whether you wish to improve your own resume writing or teach this skill to others, this session will equip you with the tools to succeed.

In this webinar, you will learn how to:
  • Uncover each job seeker's competitive edge through practice activities where you'll identify and clearly communicate key selling points. 
  • Sidestep writer's block and write impactful summaries fast while aligning with best practices. 
  • Identify the do's and don'ts of summaries through before and after examples based on real job seekers. 

    Julie Maahs, M.S.Ed., is a Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW), Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP), 2023 ROAR Award winner, 2024 NRWA conference speaker, and 2024 ROAR judge. She is currently the assistant director for career readiness at Minnesota State University Moorhead.


    This one-hour webinar is $19.99 for members and $39.99 for nonmembers and qualifies for 1 CEU. It will be recorded and distributed to everyone who registered, whether attended live or not. 

    The 2 Pillars of Professional Branding:

    Resume & LinkedIn

    Presented by: Marissa Polselli 

    April 25, 2025 | 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., ET 

    Do today's professionals need a resume and a LinkedIn profile? How are they the same? How are they different? And how can you make them work together as a harmonious powerhouse duo that will accelerate your clients' results and create more business for you? 

    In this webinar, you will: 

    • Learn the unique and complementary roles of resumes and LI profiles. 
    • Be able to present both to your clients as part of a comprehensive branding strategy. 
    • Enhance your ability to focus on the key areas of a resume and LI profile with minimal effort. 

    Marissa Polselli is a writer, content and brand strategist, and speaker whose love of words began with her first library card at age six. The founder of Wordtree, Marissa draws on 18 years of teaching experience, 10 years guiding student journalists, five years in the corporate world, and a lifelong love affair with words to empower people to claim their voice.  


    This one-hour webinar is $19.99 for members and $39.99 for nonmembers and qualifies for 1 CEU. It will be recorded and distributed to everyone who registered, whether attended live or not. 

    Improve Your Performance as an Elite Writer

    Presented by: Dawn Rasmussen

    May 9, 2025  |  12:30 – 1:30 p.m., ET

    Just as exceptional athletes rely on training to optimize their performance, professional writers must continually refine their craft to stay at the top of their game. In this webinar, you’ll gain actionable strategies to enhance your writing productivity and creativity. This session is designed to give you the tools you need to perform at your highest level.

    In this webinar you will learn how to:
    • Overcome creative blocks and stay in the zone by mastering a focused writing mindset.
    • Deliver impactful, sharp writing that stands out by cutting through the noise of client clutter.
    • Write faster without compromising creativity and excellence.

      Dawn Rasmussen, a certified résumé writer, is the president of Portland, Oregon-based Pathfinder Writing and Career Services and author of “Forget Job Security: Build Your Marketability,” the first-ever book that provides a complete roadmap on how to manage your career.


      This one-hour webinar is $19.99 for members and $39.99 for nonmembers and qualifies for 1 CEU. It will be recorded and distributed to everyone who registered, whether attended live or not. 

      The National Résumé Writers' Association
      250 S. Northwest Highway
      Suite 315
      Park Ridge, IL 60068

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