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NRWA: National Résumé Writers Association
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Don't forget to enter the NRWA Member "Create a Meme" Contest!

May 14, 2021 1:59 PM | Administrative Manager

NRWA Member "Create a Meme" Contest

Let's get creative!

If you’re on social media, you will likely see at least one meme a day. Probably more. Many brands across industries are attracting attention by hopping on the meme trend.

Why not NRWA members?

Many of us have already posted memes to educate and entertain jobseekers. A better way to stand out is to create our own.

Good news, creating memes is a lot easier than creating videos.

Your resume needs to be your truth - photo of a cat

*Thanks to Tom Powner for our meme example!

To inspire you, the NRWA is running a Create a Meme contest from April 7 to June 30, 2021.

All entries win bragging rights, and the best meme wins a $25 Amazon gift card.

The contest guidelines are simple: Create an original job search or career-related meme.

Wondering how to create a meme? Canva recently introduced meme templates. Other meme generators include:

To submit your completed meme, please upload it to the entry form where prompted.

By submitting an entry, contestants agree that their submissions will be shared at NRWA discretion (e.g. website, social media, etc.).

The National Résumé Writers' Association
250 S. Northwest Highway
Suite 315
Park Ridge, IL 60068

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