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NRWA: National Résumé Writers Association
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  • August 27, 2018 3:46 PM | Administrative Manager

    Great news! If you still haven't registered for The NRWA's 2018 Annual Conference in Seattle, October 4-6, there's still time. Don't delay as prices increase after August 31, 2018. 

    Now through August 31, 2018, registration for the 3-day conference is $569 for members and $744 for nonmembers. We also offer single-day rates: Thursday-only registration is $200 for NRWA members and $250 for nonmembers. Friday-only or Saturday-only registration will be $250 for members, and $300 for nonmembers.

    Register for the conference today: CLICK HERE.

  • August 22, 2018 3:39 PM | Administrative Manager

    Register now for the final session of 2018!!!

    Writing Excellence

    Moving from Good to Great

    This course is directed toward professional résumé writers who want to strengthen the quality and content of their resumes and cover letters. New and experienced business owners, college career center and workforce investment staff, and those who work in military transition centers will all benefit from the course. The only pre-requisites are an understanding of basic résumé and cover letter fundamentals, a willingness to accept and apply critical feedback, and a desire to move one’s writing skills from mediocre to magnificent. Sessions are designed to take participants through each step of creating a résumé and cover letter, from planning the initial strategy to final editing and proofreading.

    11-Week Live Program:
    Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. EST
    Oct. 11 – Dec. 20 

  • August 09, 2018 2:14 PM | Administrative Manager

    Create Impact Bullets That Sell Your Clients' ROI Value

    Thursday, September 13, 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., ET


    We’ve all seen first-hand, clients with resume- and LinkedIn-profile challenges – from no branding and lack of stories to funky formatting, styling and poor keyword optimization. The most common weakness, however, is a lack of value – especially when it comes to writing bullet points.

    A resume’s experience section must be value- and not function-based, or it reads like an endless, dull and unimpressive list of job responsibilities. As professional resume writers, it's up to us to ensure resumes are rich in value statements that sell our clients in today’s competitive job market.

    Taught by CareerThinker founder and NRWA Board Member Tom Powner, attendees will learn:

    • Techniques that help clients see their value.
    • Intake questions that open Pandora’s Box.
    • How to turn responsibilities bullets into value/contribution statements.
    • Improved techniques that get clients engaged and excited about their professional value.
    • How to use the CAR method to create resume value statements.

  • July 26, 2018 10:00 PM | Michelle Dumas

    The NRWA’s Writing Excellence Program features 11 modules with live instructor-led webinars, in-depth feedback on assignments, and other resources for professional resume writers who want to move their writing from mediocre to magnificent. It is available to NRWA members for $1,295.

    For the 2018 conference in Seattle, a donation has been made to award full tuition to an NRWA member whose career or business would benefit from them completing this course.


    If you are an NRWA member and have less than 5 years of experience in the field, we encourage you to apply! Tell us in up to 500 words why you joined the NRWA and what the Writing Excellence Program would mean for your career or business. The recipient will be selected by donors Michelle Swanson, NCRW, and Virginia Franco, NCRW, based on several factors including dedication to the resume-writing field.


    Submit your entry by August 1, 2018 to We will announce the winner at this fall’s 2018 NRWA Conference in Seattle (the winner does not have to be present to win).


    The only prerequisites to enrolling in the program are an understanding of basic resume and cover letter fundamentals, a willingness to accept and apply critical feedback, and a desire to move one’s writing skills from mediocre to magnificent.

    Sessions are designed to take participants through each step of creating a resume and cover letter, from planning the initial strategy to final editing and proofreading.

    Writing Excellence is taught by Norine Dagliano, who has helped job seekers and professionals in career transition for >30 years. Norine is a Nationally Certified Résumé Writer (NCRW) and member of the NCRW Commission grading team. She has developed and delivered numerous webinars and workshops and presented at multiple annual conferences.

  • July 26, 2018 9:54 PM | Administrative Manager

    LinkedIn Marketing 101: Tips to Market and Brand Your Business
    Thursday, August 9, 5:00 p.m. – 6: 00 p.m., ET


    There is no doubt that LinkedIn is a great tool to enhance your overall marketing strategy. Why? Because that’s where your ideal customers go for professional content.

    To understand LinkedIn as a marketing tool, and to sell services beyond rewriting profiles, career professionals MUST know how to use and understand the platform.

    With LinkedIn adding hundreds of customers daily to its member rosters, webinar attendees will learn how to elevate their personal and business profile on the site and showcase their offerings to potential clients.

    Taught by NRWA member Nickquolette Barrett, a Career Development Strategist and Founder/CEO of iRock Development Solutions, whose experience spans a 26+ year corporate career with over 16 years of leadership experience in corporate training, sales, insurance operations, advertising and marketing.

  • June 08, 2018 2:07 PM | Administrative Manager

    Increasing Average Order Size Starts with YOU! Define…Create…Offer!
    Friday, July 13, 2018
    12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m., ET


The National Résumé Writers' Association
250 S. Northwest Highway
Suite 315
Park Ridge, IL 60068

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