Crafting Compelling Cover Letters: A Fresh Look at the Art of Making a Lasting Impression

Presented by:
Freddie Cheek, MS Ed, CPRW, CARW, CWDP, NCOPE
June 16, 2023 | 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m., ET
We all love writing resumes and creatively composing the resume’s content and format, but many writers dread the cover letter or view it as a plain and boring add-on. Attendees will gain advice for faster and easier writing, tips for making the letter a document we look forward to and enjoy writing, methods for customizing letters, and strategies for selling cover letters.
This presentation will help you make the cover letter an impressive and targeted document that is easier to write, aids your clients in their job search efforts, and motivates employers to read the resume and arrange interviews. Topics will include:
- Tips for using AI technology to streamline writing
- Client communications
- Content collection
- Efficiency in letter writing
- Writer’s block avoidance
About Freddie Cheek
Freddie Cheek, M.S. Ed., CPRW, CARW, CWDP, NCOPE, has 30+ years of experience in resume writing, job search training, recruiting, and career coaching. She worked as a job search trainer and placement coach under contract with the Veteran’s Administration, New York State Department of Education, and various Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). Freddie has taught courses and workshops covering job search, resume writing, interviews, and career advancement for nonprofits, school districts, and government agencies. Her writing samples and job search advice are published in 20+ books.
This one-hour webinar is $19.99 for members and $39.99 for nonmembers and qualifies for 1 CEU. It will be recorded and distributed to everyone who registered, whether attended live or not.

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